System software
Project management
- Projects can be set and deleted. Several watt-hour meters can be used in a project name to generate databases for each.
Load monitoring and control
- The values related to the peak demand control such as target wattage, current wattage, predicted wattage, reference wattage, demand time, and alarm condition are displayed. In automatic mode, PCU-2000 automatically controls the load registered for each group in accordance with the peak demand power condition. In manual mode, the operator can control the load.
PCU-2000 operation environment setting and storing
- The PCU-2000 operation environment such as load setup, power control setup, and schedule can be set, downloaded or uploaded. The set environment can be stored in the database.
Report generation and output
- It receives daily/monthly/annual data from PCU-2000 and outputs it in the form of a report. The report can be stored in Excel format, and can be opened and output when needed. Daily reports can be automatically generated at the designated time.
History information storage and search
- History such as log-in, change in the control condition, and change in the alarm state are stored. History information up to 10,000 units can be stored, and searched by date, when required.
Alarm display and SMS transmission functions
- It outputs the alarm generated during operation of DCManager on the alarm window, and transmits the content of the alarm to the operator registered in the SMS environment setup via SMS.